


  Many parents are overwhelmed by a series of questions relating to their children’s education during the transitional period from primary school to middle school. What subjects will they learn? What kinds of abilities will help them improve their Chinese, Math or English? How should they prepare for arts in High School Entrance Examination? In order to make the transition easier for the students, both in daily life and in academics, Clifford School started a special program for sixth graders to experience life in middle school so that they can have a head start.


  The following introduction will give you a glimpse of what the students have learned and explored in western teachers’ classes.


  In science the students learned about space, Mars, and how to grow plants hydroponically as well as carried out experiments growing potatoes.



  The English reading and listening activities tied into the topic of space. The primary focus of the activities was to test the student’s listening and reading skills. One of the listening activities was a listening dictation. Afterwards they read the article the dictation was from. After thoroughly understanding the article, they answered comprehension questions on the reading. They also did a listening exercise using a science video about the sun. The students had to answer questions while listening and watching the video.During the reading process, they focused on using context clues to find the meaning of new words. If there is a new word, there may be a definition right there in the sentence to explain what the word means! They focused on looking at the part of speech, asking “Is it a noun, a verb, or an adjective?” “Would the sentence make sense if we replaced the new word with this synonym?” Knowing a lot of words can allow students to understand better what they are reading and be able to read more.



  In the writing classes the students were first introduced to descriptive writing. They discussed what this method is and in what situations it would be used. After pointing out the importance of using adjectives and looking at examples, the students wrote a descriptive paragraph. After completing the task the students shared their paragraph with the class.



  Compare and contrast was the second method they focused on. The students were taught how to use a Venn diagram to plan before writing a compare and contrast paragraph. The students used the Venn diagram to compare and contrast two things of their choice, and then they swapped their diagrams with their classmates. After receiving a diagram the students had to write a compare and contrast paragraph according to the information they saw on the Venn diagram they had received.

  比照与比照是同学们要点学习的第二个写作办法。学生们学会了如何在写作前用维恩图比照和比照两个目标。首要,学生们画出维恩图,比照他们选择的两个目标, 然后与同学交流。每位同学拿到其他同学画好的维恩图之后,根据其间的信息来写一段话。


  For the cause and effect assignment they had to draw a comic strip that showed cause and effect events. The students really enjoyed this assignment. Many of the students can draw very well and also have a great imagination. Some of the comics were amazing and very detailed and funny. The students were excited about coming up in front of the class and showing their work of art.


  During Math class the students spent time learning about Geometry and Statistics. For Geometry they learned about multiple 2-dimensional shapes, many of their properties, and how they are named. Later the students made tangrams and moved the shapes around to make various objects. For statistics, they spent time looking at how to create various charts depending on different data. The class discussed how to gather data for these charts. The charts discussed were bar chart, histogram, pie chart, and line charts. For the final project, students spent time collecting data to a question they decided to have answered, then they made a chart to showcase the data they gathered.



  For drama, the students were introduced tosix founding principles of performing the English language: pronunciation, loudness, body language, eye contact, fluency and intonation. In order to assess their proficiency in using these skills, they had to do a three minute performance entirely in English. This was based on an extract from a story that we had previously read together in class. Students were put into groups of four and asked to dramatize their part of the story. The dramas were a real success anddemonstrated that the students had understood the principles and were able to incorporate them when they spoke the English language. For many of the students, drama was their favorite class.



  Do you want to join in our western teachers’ classes? Please subscribe the official account of Clifford School and start a new journey with western teachers.


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