

  Where are the world's best English- speakers?


  English is the most widely spoken language in the world. And of the roughly 1.5bn speakers globally,the vast majority speak it as a second language. So where are the world's best non-native English speakers? According to a new report by EF Education First, an international education company, Northern Europeans are the most fluent. Middle Easterners are the least proficient.


  The index is based on the results of a free online test taken by 2.3m volunteers in 100 countries.Nearly six in ten of this year's test-takers were female. Women have always fared better than men,but this year men closed the gap somewhat.


  In Europe, the powerhouse economies fare surprisingly badly: only Germany makes the top tier of“very high proficiency”countries. France is next, while Spain and Italy are persistent laggards. A study by a Spanish research institute confirmed the bad news: 60% of adults say they speak no English at all. The fact that Spanish is a global language in its own right (the language boasts 400m native speakers) is probably the culprit. If you speak Danish, you need another language to take part in global culture; speaking French or Spanish (or Arabic) means hundreds of millions of people to talk to without English.

  欧洲那些实力健壮的经济体,体现竞出其不料地糟糕:只需德国跻身名为“极高水平”的第-部队。法国紧随这今后,而西班牙和意大利则持续落后。西班牙一家研讨所的研讨证明晰这个坏消息: 60%的成年人称,他们根柢不会说英语。实际上,西班牙语本身就是一种全球性言语(该言语具有4亿母语人士),这可以就是(西班牙落后的)缘由地址。假定你的母语是丹麦语,那你需要另一种言语来参加全球文明;而说法语或西班牙语(或阿拉伯语)则意味着,母语者不需要会英语,就可以与数亿人攀谈。

  Asia is the region of greatest diversity. Only Singapore makes the top tier, but the Philippines,Malaysia, and India are not far behind. China is further back but still in the second tier, a few slots ahead of Japan. Languishing in the bottom slots are a clutch of South-East and Central Asian countries like Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan. This correlates with another factor: the company repeatedly finds that English skills are highly correlated with connections and openness to the rest of the world.


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