可汗学院儿童版(Khan Academy Kids)尽力于用尽所能辅佐你的孩子打开。这标志着它将在APP傍边和APP以外都供给优良的教训本钱。是以,可汗学院儿童版推出了这一系列关于阅读发蒙的文章,从教员的视角,协助你教训孩子进修。可汗学院儿童版团队期望,这些资天性变成你的东西以避免孩子在暑期掉队,并为孩子做好下一个学年的预备,甚至让你全家都创建起对阅读的酷爱。
前期阅读发蒙 - 孩子起头自立读写早年的一段时分
天然拼读 - 字母和发音之间的接洽
流利阅读 - 天然流利地阅读,一起注重寄义
阅读了解 - 了解和思虑你所读到的内容
阅读常例 - 培育终身阅读者
The Path to Reading: What you need to know about how children learn to read
At Khan Academy Kids, we strive to do everything we can to support your child as they grow. That means providing outstanding educational resources both inside and outside our app. With that in mind, we’re introducing a series of literacy posts written from the perspective of a teacher and designed to help you support your learner. Our hope is that these resources give you tools to prevent learning loss over the su小妹er, prepare your child for the next grade level, and help your whole family build a love of reading!
Our Literacy Week series includes five topics about the path to reading. Click the links for each topic to read the full articles:
Pre-literacy - the period of time before a child begins to read or writePhonics - the connection between letters and soundsFluency - reading naturally, while paying attention to meaningComprehension - understanding and thinking about what you readReading routines - developing lifelong readers