


考官:Good morning!May I come in?

考生:Sure, come in please! I’m ready for the test.

考官:Great! I would like to ask you some questions about lunch. Could you please tell me how you usually spend your lunchtime?

考生:Sure. I usually have lunch with my colleagues in the company cafeteria. We have a variety of choices there, such as Chinese food, western food, and salad bar. It’s very convenient.

考官:That sounds nice! Do you have any favorite dishes?

考生:Yes, my favorite dish is Kung Pao Chicken. It is a traditional Chinese dish with chicken, peanuts, and vegetables. The combination of the spicy taste and the crispy texture is simply irresistible to me. I also enjoy trying new dishes.

考官:That’s interesting. Have you ever tried any exotic food?

考生:Yes, when I traveled to Thailand last year, I tried the famous local dish called Pad Thai. It’s a stir-fried noodle dish with tofu, shrimp, eggs, and bean sprouts. The flavors were so rich and unique that I can still remember the taste. It was a memorable experience.

考官:It sounds like a wonderful trip. Do you have any favorite restaurants in town?

考生:Yes, I do. There is a small Italian restaurant near my house. Their pizza is absolutely delicious, especially the thin crust and the fresh ingredients. It always reminds me of the time I spent in Italy and brings back great memories.

考官:That’s fantastic! Thank you for sharing your lunchtime experience. It shows your appreciation for different cuisines and your openness to trying new things. Well done!

考生:Thank you. I believe food is not only about satisfying our hunger but also about exploring diverse cultures and connecting with others. It’s a pleasure to talk about food with you.

考官:I completely agree with you. Food indeed plays an important role in our lives. Thank you for your wonderful answers. This concludes our conversation.

考生:You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure. Thank you for the interview.


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