



1. Greeting(问候):
- Good morning/afternoon, my name is [your name]. Nice to meet you.
- Hello, I'm [your name]. It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Hi, I'm [your name]. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview.

2. Introducing yourself(自我介绍):
- I have a [degree/qualification] in [major/field]. I've been working in the [industry] for [number] years and have experience in [specific skills].
- I am a [job title] with a background in [industry]. I have a strong passion for [specific skills] and I am excited to contribute my expertise to your company.
- I am a driven and results-oriented [job title] with a proven track record in [industry]. I specialize in [specific skills] and have successfully [highlight your achievements].


3. Asking for clarification(请求澄清):
- Could you please clarify the question?
- Sorry, I didn't quite understand. Could you please repeat the question?
- If I understand correctly, you are asking [repeat the question in your own words]. Is that correct?

4. Giving examples(举例说明):
- For example, during my previous job, I was responsible for [specific task]. I was able to [describe your accomplishment] and achieve [desired result].
- Let me give you an example from my past experience. In my previous role, I had to [specific situation]. I implemented [specific strategy] and was able to [describe your success].

5. Expressing your opinion(表达观点):
- In my opinion, [state your opinion] because [supporting reasons].
- From my perspective, [state your opinion] because [supporting reasons].
- I believe that [state your opinion] because [supporting reasons].


6. Expressing gratitude(表达感谢):
- Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I appreciate the opportunity.
- I would like to express my gratitude for considering me for this position.
- Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

7. Asking questions(提问):
- Can you tell me more about the company culture and values?
- What opportunities are there for professional development and growth within the company?
- How does the company support work-life balance for its employees?

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