
??What sports do you think women excel at most? 你认为女人哪项活动标明最佳? I think women excel in every sport except the ones that are taboo for us to join in, like football. 我想女人在各种活动中都标明得很优良,除一些阻止女人参加的活动,如橄榄球。 I mean which ones are they better at than men? 我是指哪些活动她们标明得比男性超卓? Why do you care? Women and men are different all around. I don't think they can be compared. 你为甚么想晓得?男性和女人在不少场所正本就纷歧样,根柢不克不及多么比。 That's a good point. Let me change my question. What sports do women like best? 你说的没错。我换个问法好了,女人最喜爱哪一种活动? Well, I know some women who love golf and I know others who love contact sports. 嗯,我晓得有些喜爱打高尔夫,有些喜爱肢体触摸的活动。 Are you saying that women can't be generally categorized? 你是说女人无法子大致分类吗? Are you suggesting that anyone can be? 你感触有人可以吗? 缺钱花?美国粹生part time搞这些 What's the most popular part-time in your country? 你们国度最受招待的兼职是甚么? You mean for students?Well,There's no certain jobs that they will do.It's all about the time. 你是说抵挡学生卡说吗?怎样说呢,并无甚么作业是他们特定会做的。全都取决于时分。 Do you mean that when they choose a job,they would consider the balance of the job and studies? 你意思是当他们选作业的时辰,会斟酌到作业和学业的均衡? Sure.They're students after all .School things should be the first prioritu? 那是天然。究竟??成果他们是学生啊。黉舍的事端应当是最首要的。 That makes sense.That what's the students in China will consider as will. 有事理。我国的学生也会斟酌那点。 Yeah.As long as the time arrangement is okay to them,they would choose jobs like babysitters,waiters,taking care of pets and tidying gardens. 对吧。只需时分放置稳妥,他们会选择一些相同保母啊、就事员啊、赐顾帮衬宠物和拾掇花圃之类的作业。
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