
??想培育小盆友对英语的快乐喜爱,在往常日子中说出英语,就让咱们的小盆友们养成常常听、唱英语儿歌的好习气吧~ 要养成这种好习气就需要父亲母亲们的撑持了~ 父亲母亲们要做的作业就是多让小盆友们触摸英语儿歌哦! 好,下面让咱们来晓得一下今日的儿歌吧。 今日的儿歌就是This is the way 点击下方联接,可收看有关英语儿歌哦~ 《心爱一同玩》经典英语儿歌:This is the way就是这样-带字幕 歌词说明: This is the way~:这就是~的办法 This is the way we (brush our teeth) 这就是咱们(刷牙)的办法 This is the way we (wash our face) 这就是咱们(洗脸)的办法 This is the way we (brush our hair) 这就是咱们(梳头)的方法 This is the way we get dressed 这就是咱们(穿衣裳)的方法 单词: brush teeth:刷牙 Early in the morning:一大朝晨 wash face:洗脸 brush hair:梳头 get dressed:穿衣裳 儿歌歌词 《心爱一同玩》经典英语儿歌:This is the way This is the way we brush our teeth Brush our teeth Brush our teeth This is the way we brush our teeth Early in the morning This is the way we wash our face Wash our face Wash our face This is the way we wash our face Early in the morning This is the way we brush our hair Brush our hair Brush our hair This is the way we brush our hair Early in the morning This is the way we get dressed Get dressed Get dressed This is the way we get dressed Early in the morning 《心爱一同玩》英文儿歌旋律悦耳,节奏明快,朗朗上口,对错常好的启蒙东西,每天给宝宝播映几首,能起到极好的磨耳朵作用哦。 #儿童启蒙#
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