
??祖姆和次波在天然公园里赏识美景,他们看到了一所屋子, 还有一只考拉,他们拍了一些相片,可是山公说他们的卡片坏了。 英文以下 Zoom:What nice day! Let's go to a nature park! Zip: Why not? We can take some pictures there. Zip: Look at that beautiful bridge. Zoom:Yes.The mountains and trees are beautiful ,too. Zip: Look! there is a house over there. Zoom: Are there any people in the house? Zip: Let's go and have a look! Zoom:There is so much com! I like com. Zip: Look! There is a koala over there. Zoom: Hey! Why don't you take a picture of me? Zip:Later,Zoom.Let's take pictures of the koala first. Monkey:Your card is broken! Zoom:Oh,dear me! Zip:Oh,no! 译文以下 祖姆:多么好的一天啊!让咱们去天然公园吧! 次波:为甚么不呢?咱们可以在那儿拍一些相片。 次波:看那座秀丽的桥。 祖姆:是的.高山和树木也很秀丽。 次波:看!何处有一所屋子! 祖姆:屋子里有人吗? 次波:让咱们去看一看吧! 祖姆:有这么多的玉米!我喜爱玉米. 次波:看!何处有一只考拉。 祖姆:嘿!你为甚么不给我拍一张相片呢? 次波:稍等,祖姆。让咱们先给考拉拍摄吧。 山公:你们的卡坏了! 祖姆:哦,我的天啊! 次波:哦,不! 今日的故事就更新到这儿,朋友们, 再会!
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上一篇:学科英语考研 暑期考研温习六大留心思项,不可以不知!