
??择要: 考研英语翻译一般大师城市翻译的比较生硬而且烦琐,这也是构成英语翻译题型得分低的缘由。今日帮帮要谈判2021考研英语翻译:世界最平安都会排行出炉。 Tokyo was named the worlds safest city on Thursday by the Economist Intelligence Unit, in anindex ranking cities ability to handle everything from climate disasters to cyber attacks. 英国经济学人智库8月29日发布世界最平安都会排名,日本东京在榜单中居首。该指数对各都会应对从气候劫难到搜集侵略等各项作业的才能举办了排名。 Singapore took second place after Japans capital while another Japanese metropolis, Osaka, came third - the same top three as the two previous Safe Cities Indexes of 2015 and 2017. 新加坡仅次于东京,位居第二,另外一个日本大都会大阪排名第三,2015年和2017年的平安都会指数排行榜前三名也是这三个都会。 This year the index of 60 cities aimed to capture the concept of urban resilience, which isthe ability of cities to absorb and bounce back from shocks, researchers said. 研究职工暗示,本年60个都会的平安指数排名旨在体现都会适应力这一观念,即都会饱尝冲击并光复的才能。 This concept has increasingly steered urban safety planning during the last decade, aspolicymakers worry about the impacts of climate change, including heat stress and flooding. 在以前十年里,因为抉择方案者担忧热浪和洪水等气候改造的影响,都会适应力在引导都会平安方案方面起着愈来愈大的感染。 The index assessed four types of safety: digital, infrastructure, health and personal security. 该指数评价了四类平安:数字平安、根柢行动办法平安、医疗保健和小我平安。 Asia-Pacific dominated the top 10, as in previous years, with six cities, including AustraliasSydney in fifth place, South Koreas Seoul in eighth and Australias Melbourne in 10th. 与前几年相同,亚太地域的都会在前十名中占大都,有六座都会上榜,包括澳大利亚悉尼(第五)、韩国首尔(第8)和澳大利亚墨尔本(第十)。 Two European and two North American cities made it into the top 10, with the Dutch capitalAmsterdam in fourth place while Denmarks Copenhagen came eighth. Canadas Toronto camesixth, and the US capital, Washington D.C., seventh. 欧洲和北美各有两座都会进入前十名。荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹位居第4、丹麦哥本哈根位居第8、加拿大多伦多位居第6、美国华盛顿位居第七。 The safest cities scored highly on access to high-quality healthcare, dedicated cyber-securityteams, co小妹unity-based police patrols and good disaster planning, researchers said. 研究职工说,最平安的都会在得到高质量的医疗清洁就事、专门的搜集平安团队、社区差人巡查和超卓的灾害应对方案方面得分很高。 The research highlights how different types of safety are thoroughly intertwined, said NakaKondo, the reports Tokyo-based editor. 该陈述驻东京编纂绀户中说:这项研究凸显了不合类型的平安疑问是若何完全交错在一块儿的。 While European cities performed well in the area of health, they struggled with digital security, in terms of citizens ability to freely use the internet and other digital channels without fear ofprivacy violations or identity theft. 尽管欧洲都会在健康平安领域标明超卓,但在数字安多方面得分不高,数字平安指的是公民安适使用互联网和其他数字途径而不担忧隐私加害或身份盗窃。 Top-ranking cities for digital security scored high on citizen awareness of digital threats anddedicated cyber-security teams, leading to low levels of infection by computer viruses andmalware. 在公民对数字挟制的知道和专门的搜集平安团队方面,排名靠前的都会数字平安得分较高,致使感染电脑病毒和被植入歹意软件的概率较低。 London is the only European city in the top 10 in this category, said Irene Mia, globaleditorial director of the Economist Intelligence Unit. 经济学人智库全世界编纂主任艾琳米娅说:伦敦是一个跻身前十的欧洲都会。 Nigerias Lagos, Venezuelas Caracas, Myanmars Yangon, Pakistans Karachi and BangladeshsDhaka were the worlds five least safe cities, according to the index. 尼日利亚拉各斯、委内瑞拉加拉加斯、缅甸仰光、巴基斯坦卡拉奇和孟加拉国达卡被评为世界上最不平安的五个都会。 ??帮帮友谊提示:干货:2021考研英语翻译:印尼迁均可以必要10年
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