纠正中式英语#Mother school (母校 ) 第十期

??Alma Mater Statue 真实它的来历是经历不少的汗青进程,“Alma Mater” 一词源于拉丁语,意为 “bountiful mother" (丰饶的母亲),最早被用于描述古罗马女神,比方谷物女神Ceres和大圣母神Cybele。在现代英语中,该词意指“母校”。若大师有快乐喜爱想领会其不和里里的汗青,大师可自行搜刮~ 那末这个Chinglish若何改正呢?最简略的翻译:“Alma Mater ”。 扩展一些关于 ”Mother“ 的常识表达: 1.本乡说话、母语(Native language or Mother tongue) -Native language: the language that you speak the most or best. (说得至多最佳的) -Mother tongue: the language that taught by your mother or father. (你依靠教的) For example: As a American Chinese guy, English is his native language, and Chinese is his mother tongue. --作为一个美籍华裔人,英语是他的本乡说话,而中文是他的母语。 2.母公司&子公司(Parent company & Subsidiary company or daughter company) 3.Mother of Number ( one, two, three....) 举个简略比方就大白这个词组寄义,假定 ?且桓龊⒆拥哪盖住?、?橇礁龊⒆拥哪盖住?,以此类推,不但止指母亲,父亲也是共同个逻辑。 "Mother of one", --一个孩子的母亲 “Mother of two", --两个孩子的母亲 4.Mother wit (天资、常识) For example: When you have to live by your mother wit. Old boy, I hope you may get on better than I do seriously. --当你只能靠你的天资聪明保存时。老兄,我期望你能过得比我非常好, 说真的。 总结:"Alma Mater" 才是指母校的意思。不要再犯中式英语的圈套咯,各小伙们,本节目仅100期,每期都非常名贵,拭目而待吧。 tips: Get rid of Chinglish, learning more authetic English, just right here. You can do it !!!
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