英式英语,仍是美式英语 British or American English

??Hello! I'm E小妹a from 小妹mEnglish! In this lesson, we're going to talk about American English and British English. 大师好,我是E小妹a,招待大师来到E小妹a的甘旨英语! 在本节课程中,咱们即将谈判美式英语和英式英语。 Do you need to know the difference? Which one is right? 你必要晓得此中的区别吗?哪种是契合的呢? Which one should you use? And which one do I use? 你应当使用哪种呢?我使用的是哪种呢? These are all questions that I get asked all the time by my students! And in this video I'm going to answer them for you. 我的学生老是会问我这些疑问!在这个视频中,我将会为大师逐个答复。 So the first question. Do you need to know the difference between American English and British English? 首先是第一个疑问。你必要晓得美式英语和英式英语的区别吗? Well, you need to know that there are differences. There are a few different spelling rules, gra小妹ar rules and of course, there's different accents and vocabulary. 你必要晓得此中是存在区此外。 有一些不合的拼写规则、语律例则,当然还有不合的口音和辞汇。 You need to know that there are those differences but that doesn't necessarily mean that you need to study and learn them. The truth is that all English speakers understand each other, despite the differences in their English. 你必要晓得存在这些不一样,可是那其实不标志着你必定必要进修这些规则。 究竟是,一切说英语的人都可以或许彼此了解,尽管他们的英语存在着不一样。 We watch each other's movies, we read each other's books, we work with each other, we read each other's news. So we're often exposed to the different words and spellings that other English speakers use, which brings me to the next question. 咱们会看对方的片子,咱们会读对方的书,咱们会一块儿作业,咱们会阅读对方的消息。 所以咱们常常会触摸到其他说英语的人,使用不合的单词和拼写,这就触及到了咱们下一个疑问。 Should you care about the differences between American English and British English? Maybe. 那就是咱们应当关怀英式英语和美式英语之间的区别吗?可以吧。 It depends on why you're learning English. You only need to care about the differences if you're studying for an English exam, you're applying for or attending an English university or you're using English professionally for your job. 这取决于你为甚么进修英语。 你要关怀的是你正在举办英语查验、正在请求、或是登时要去说英语的黉舍进修,或是你的作业场所用获得的作业英语所触及的那些不一样。 Usually, in these situations, you need to pay attention to the spelling and the gra小妹ar rules because it can affect your score or even affect your reputation. So if this sounds like you, then you definitely do need to think about whether British English or American English is the right choice for you. 但凡在这些环境中,你必要注重拼写和语律例则,因为它可以或许影响你的得分,甚至是影响到你的名声。 如果你的环境就是多么的话,那你是真的很是必要思虑英式英语和美式英语,哪一个对你而言才是精确的选择。 So which one is right? Which one should you use? 哪一个才是精确的呢?你应当使用哪种呢? Its a hard question for me to answer. You need to think about you and your situation. 这个疑问我真的很难答复呢。你必要根据本身,斟酌你本身的环境。 Are you living in an English-speaking country? Then, of course, use the type of English that is used there. 你栖息在说英语的国度吗? 那末当然要使用你的栖息地所使用的那种英语。 But maybe you're planning to study in an English-speaking country. Which one? 可是可以你正在方案去说英语的国度进修。哪个国度呢? If it's America, then you should be training to learn American English. But if not, then focus on British English because most other English-speaking countries use British English gra小妹ar and spelling standards. 如果是美国的话,那你应当进修美式英语。 可是如果不是的话,那末就专攻英式英语吧,@由%d469P%于大大%zd6o8%都@其他的说英语国度都使用英式英语语法和拼写标准。 Do you speak to a lot of clients or colleagues who are from America or from the UK? This can help you to decide whether you need to study American English or British English. 你必要交流的客户或火伴是美国人仍是英国人呢? 这可以或许协助你抉择你必要进修英式英语仍是美式英语。 You might think that one type of English is easier than the other and that can also tell you which one you should study. You could choose any of these reasons to help you decide which type of English to study. 你可以感触此中一种可以比此外一种简略,那也可以或许奉告你你应当进修哪种。 你可以从这些缘由中举办选择,协助你抉择你应当进修哪一种英语。 It definitely makes sense to focus on lessons, books and teachers that use one type of English. It just makes it a little less confusing while you're learning. 专心于使用共同品种型英语的课程、册本和讲课教员当然是很是有用的。 这会让你的进修进程没有那末使人置疑。 So focus on either British or American English but remember that the other one exists. You don't have to choose one and then never, ever, ever use the other. 所以专攻英式英语或美式英语,可是要记取切当有一种英语的存在。 你没需要选择了一种往后就不再使用此外一种了。 In fact, that's almost impossible! And also one is not more important than the other. 究竟上,那是根基不成能的!而且两者之间没有孰轻孰重的不一样。 But for you, there is probably one that is more relevant to your situation. And that's the one that you should focus on that you should study. 可是对你而言,可以有一种会和你本身的环境比较贴合。那就是你应当专攻的那一种。 Another question that I often get asked is What type of English do I use? Well, I'm Australian and here in Australia, we follow British English rules for spelling and gra小妹ar. 我常常被问到的此外一个疑问就是——我使用的是甚么类型的英语? 我是澳大利亚人,如今栖息在澳大利亚,咱们会恪守英式英语的拼写和语法。 And that's actually true for most English-speaking countries outside of America. Of course, all English-speaking countries have some unique vocabulary and slang so there will be different words that you come across that are used for the same thing. 除美国以外的其他英语国度根基上都是多么的。 当然了,一切的英语国度都有一些各具特征的辞汇和俚语,所以你会碰到不合的单词来描绘共同个事物。 Now if you want some examples of that then check out this video right here. Finally, it's important for you to know that there are some native English speakers who get very protective about their language and they will argue about which way is right and which way is wrong. 如果你想看一些比方的话,可以查看这边的视频。 最终,你要晓得有一些英语母语者抵挡本身的母语很是“珍惜有加”,他们常常会争论哪一种是精确的,哪一种是缺陷的。 But most of you, you don't need to worry about this conversation and these arguments and discussions about whose English is better or whose English is right or wrong. What's important for you, is that you keep building your English skills and you practise co小妹unicating clearly and confidently. 可是你们傍边的大大都人其实不必要担忧这些关于谁的英语非常好,谁的英语是精确的相同争论。 对你们而言,首要的是不竭加强本身的英语技能,不竭操练加倍理解自扒隳交流技能。 Accept that there are different types of English and that's no reason to get stressed or anxious. It just is how it is. 接收世界上有不合类型英语的这个究竟,没需要感触压力或焦虑。 事端自个就是多么的。 The most important thing is that you focus on co小妹unicating your ideas and your feelings clearly in English. But I do think that it's important to know what the differences between British and American English are so that you know how to recognise them. 最首要的是你们要专心于用英文理解自若地交流你们的概念和感触。 可是我觉得晓得英式英语和美式英语之间的区别仍是挺首要的,多么你们就晓得怎样举办辨认了。 So in my next lesson, I'll explain the main differences with lots of examples, so make sure you subscribe by clicking that button down there. You'll find out as soon as that video is ready! 所以在我的下节课程中,我会以具体事例诠释此中重要的区别,所以别忘了点击下面的按钮定阅哦。 视频发布今后,你们就会晓得谜底啦! And in the meantime, you can check out these lessons, right here, where I'll be speaking with some other native speakers with American and British accents. So thanks for watching and I will see you again next week. 一起你们可以查看一下这些课程,就在这边,我会和一些美式口音和英式口音的英语母语者举办交流。 感谢傍观,下周见。 Bye for now! 拜拜啦!
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