
??1.What的意思是啥,替代或润饰可数名词或不可以数名词在句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。 What makes you love your hometown so much? 是啥使你这么酷爱你的家乡? What interest do you have?你有啥喜爱? 2.What be+主语和what do+主语+do用于问询作业。 What is your mother? 你母亲是做啥作业的? What do you do for a living? 你做啥作业为生? 3.What be+主语+like用于问询品德,性格,情况等。 What is the weather like?气候怎么样? What is lucy like ? she is very diligent, friendly and lovely. 路西这自个怎么样?她很勤勉,友善,心爱。 4.What do+主语+look like用于问询表面,长相 What does mary look like? She is tall and thin. 玛丽长得怎么样?她又高又瘦。 5.What ……for用于问询缘由和用处 What did she put the books away for? 她把书收拾好干啥? She wanted to play,她想出去玩。 I should get up early tomorrow morning, 明日早晨我得早上。 What for为啥? What's this gadget for? 这个小玩意儿是干啥用的? 6.What if……?用于提出疑虑或主张,意思是假定……怎么办/怎么样? What if it rains tomorrow?明日下雨怎么办? What if we go together?咱们一块去怎么样? 7.What about……?用来提出主张或问询情况 What time shall we meet? 咱们啥时分碰头? What about 7 o'clock tomorrow morning? 明日早上7点怎么样? I'll stay here for another week, what about you? 我在这儿还要待一周,你呢? 考点分析: What在宾语从句中的用法是考试中的查询要点。 My classmate and I are talking about what to do during the holiday. 此处是疑问词加不定式规划作宾语,疑问词作do的宾语,所以大约用what。 以上就是关于疑问代词what一些常见用法的分析,期望对我们的学习有所协助。
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