英语口语表达 You have my word. 我向你保证

??要点辞汇 have有; 持有; 占有; 由…构成; 闪现出,带有; 与以前分词连用构成结束时。 word不可是“单词”的意思,还有“言语”的意思,my word 就是“我说过的话”。我说过的话是管用的,这个白话表达的意思就是:“我保证”“我立誓”。 至关于:I promise. 或是 I promise you. 例句一: 1.I am sorry. I don't mean it. You have my word. I won't do it again. 对不住,我不是成心的。我想你保证,我不再会那样了。 2.The work will be finished by the end of this week. You have my word! 这项作业必定会在周末早年结束,我向你保证。 这个表达不但可以零丁使用,后边也可以接that从句,下面咱们来看两个例句: 例句: 1.You have my word that we will arrive safely. 我保证咱们会平安抵达的。 2.You have my word that I won't tell anyone. 我向你保证,我不会奉告任何人。 使用例句: 1.You have my word. I'll come this weekend. 我保证来。我这个周末来。 2.You have my word& I won't tell a soul. 我向你保证&我不会奉告任何人。 3.On this you have my word. 这是我的承诺。 4.The work will be finished by the end of this week, you have my word. 这项作业必定会在周末早年结束,我向你保证! 5.You have my word we will arrive swiftly and safely. 我保证,咱们会准时平安抵达的。 6.You have my word that it will be treated with the same care as our own confidential information. 我保证会将陈述内容视为本身的秘要稳重处置。 7.Eg: The project will be finished on time, You have my word. 这个节目必定会准时结束,我向你保证。 8.To these ones yet to come, it is imperative that you walk away and you have my word that you and family will be protected from the thugs, so you have not that fear now. 那些要来的人:快点分隔,你和你的家庭会获得我的保护,不必要有后顾之虑。 9.You'll have to take my word on trust. 你尽管信赖我的话就是了。 10.And you dont have to take my word for it. 你们没必要只听我说。 11.So you just have to take my word for it that we have put on the other side just some water to balance it out. 所以在这儿,咱们在另外一端,放水来均衡。 12.If it wasn't as good as I have said it is, would we have registered it for a patent? But you don't have to take my word for it, give it a try yourself! 如果这个产品不像我所说的那样好,那咱们还用请求专利吗?可是你不必定要非信赖我的话,本身尝尝就晓得了!
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