英语阅览 7月22日,今日大暑 Advent of Dashu

??英语阅读:7月22日,今日大暑 Advent of Dashu 在非英语说话情况下,要想得到“摹拟”的英语说话情况,你的英语阅读应当是给你带来“更多”英语,或说是让你的英语“不竭复现”的“阅读”。这是一种超卓的英语“阅读习气”,更是英语“阅读才能”。而不是不管“读”甚么,“读”许多英语,一上来就是:中文甚么意思? 读就任何英语,你的“阅读习气”都是“想”英语:Do I have any other English words yo replace them,而且真恰是在用这句英语去“极力查找”本身可以学过的英语来替换和表达“这句英语”,那末,你就是在逐渐养成超卓的英语阅读习气和才能: 在非英语说话情况下,你都是这么“阅读”的吗? 尝尝不妨: 1、英语 Today marks the advent of Greater Heat, or Dashu in Chinese, the 12th of the 24 solar terms in Chinese lunar calendar. As the last solar term in su小妹er, this year Greater Heat begins on July 22 and ends on August 7, when autumn will be upon us.[/cp] 咱们“不用”中文,咱们“用”英语,?怠庇⒂铮堋坝谩蹦切8怠蹦男┯⒂锢础傲私狻蹦兀? 2、“正宗”英语阅读:读英语时“用”英语 1) Today marks the advent of Greater Heat 1. Today marks the advent of Greater Heat means Today marks the arrival/the coming of Greater Heat 而有人的“英语阅读”是“读成”:advent(首要事务等的)呈现,到来。 多么的英语“阅读”显着是把“阅读”作为“记生词”相提并论了:在正本就已是“非英语说话情况”了,把“英语阅读”作为“中文阅读”就是在“掠夺”本身?怠庇⒂锏幕岛筒倭贰? 2.But, Okay.I got it. The advent of something is much better and more formal than the arrival of something.It's the arrival of some important event of a person. 所谓的“英语阅读”就是给你?怠庇⒂锏幕担墒嵌晾炊寥ト匆幌蛎荒苋帽旧怼岸脸伞毕嗤嗝吹挠⒂铮岸痢庇欣穑? 3.I got you.We can also say It's Greater Heat today when we say Today marks the advent of Greater Heat,or Greater Heat begins today. 多么的“比对”式英语阅读是会有助和提升你将来“英语写作”的“阅读”。 为了你的英语,你能这么“由繁入简”,“化简为繁”式的“英语阅读”吗? 2) solar terms in Chinese lunar calendar Solar terms means the sun term.Lunar calendar means the moon calendar. 3) this year Greater Heat beginson July 22 and ends on August 7, when autumn will be upon us(when autumn arrives).
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