英语高一作文怎么写 如何写好英语高一作文

??试着把huge等初级词换成tremendous。往常普通多堆集短语,用在作文里。比如be astonished at sth(受惊)。 句型多变。 往常普通学过的从句、两重否定句、非谓语等等高档句型会为你的作文加分。 对错句连系。 老是让人读长长的语句,太烦人!阅卷教员也要心烦的。 看看这个语句 As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar. 对错连系,而且比较高档,值得进修。 条理清楚 不管甚么样的英语作文,条理清楚很首要。条理不清楚的作文几近没有获得高分的可以。 用上一些逻辑毗连词。比如说on one hand....on the other handfirst of all......whats more....in addition....last but not last等等。毗连词可以到baidu去查。 不举荐first....second...third.... 不要犯初级缺陷 主谓纷歧致、频繁拼写缺陷、我国式英语等等,犯了这些初级缺陷,是不成能拿高分的。所以写完今后,必定要检查一下,必定不克不及有初级缺陷。 往常普通注重堆集往常普通多堆集好的辞汇、好的语句。不少教员城市将常常运用的句型、辞汇作为专题教给学生,这时辰要注重堆集,查验的时辰学会使用。 若何写好英语高一作文? 法子/步骤 1、审题 读清楚标题的具体内容和恳求,避免写作时的跑题,捉住关头信息、词语。 2、区分作文类型 依照标题看看他是让你写哪一个类型的作文。比如说;是聘请信、恳求信、请求信、感谢信等。 3、写好开首 这步非常首要。 若了解对方:hows everything going?Its been a long time since we saw each other last time。 若不了解:Im XXX,a lovely girl insenior school。 4、写信方针 此处必定要扣题。 I would like tell you abou...... 5、扩展 First,The second、last。 6、结尾 It would be greatly appreciated if you can write me soon。 英语高一作文 英语高一作文范文:My Ideal Job My Ideal Job Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream of being freelancers, and so on. 不合的人有着不合的作业期望。有些人想要做公务员,有的人想本身创业,有的人幻想变成安适作业者等等。 However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, Im told that teachers have a high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have su小妹er and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself. More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I cant imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites. 可是,我的志向是教育。首先,我被告诉教员的薪酬很高。如有很高的薪酬,那我就可以开个培训黉舍来协助那些贫穷家庭的孩子。第二,教员有着寒暑假两个长假期,如斯我将有时分放松。更首要的是,对学生来讲教员就是天使,教授孩子们常识协助他们培育本身的快乐喜爱高兴喜爱。我无法愿望如果我的学生都变成人材,我会多么的高兴。 In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my co小妹unication and handwriting abilities. 为了变成一位及格的教员,我会读更多的常识从中招致更多常识,锻炼本身的耐心,前进本身的问长问短才能并前进本身的书写程度。 经由进程以上的内容,咱们已领会了英语高一作文的写法了,在写英语高一作文的时辰,是必要多加操练的,多么才挥洒自若,具体的可以征询创视网。
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