一、一、【决断题】原文:The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 译文:商业的剧增给两国带来了优点。
二、二、【决断题】原文:It suggests that some developing-country consumers might even be greener than developed-country ones.译文:它闪现有些生长我国度花费者可以比发财国度花费者更具喜爱绿色。
三、三、【决断题】原文:We've been on pins and needles waiting for you. 译文:咱们一贯在火燎地盼着你来,坐卧不安。
四、四、【决断题】原文:咱们撑持给你方增加佣钱。译文:We agree that we will give you an increase in money.
五、五、【决断题】原文:我厂出产的地毯图像特别、色彩典雅、秀丽精美、都丽堂皇。译文:The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent for the novel designs and elegant colors.
七、一、【填空题】原文:Her lot has been a hard one.译文:她____苦。
8、二、【填空题】原文:If the quality of the first lot turns out to the satisfaction, we will place a large order with you in large quantities. 译文:如果你方的第一批货品能令咱们的客户______,咱们将向你方_________。
谜底:满足 许多续购
九、三、【填空题】原文:I have no change about me. Can you change me a ten-Yuan note?译文:我身旁没有_____。你能兑换十块零票给我吗?
十、四、【填空题】原文:这个课题已做了充分的研究。译文:This subject has already _______ fully research.
十一、五、【填空题】原文:好汉不吃面前亏。译文:A wise man does not _____ when the _____ are _____ him.
谜底:fight odds against
1三、一、【填空题】原文:How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? 译文:谈论家和读者之间,也就是____和____之间的这类不一样应若何诠释呢?
谜底:沉着 豪情
1四、二、【填空题】原文:This survey is the work of a real professional.译文:这份查询造访是真实_____做的。
1五、三、【决断题】原文:The beauty of living in California is that the whether is so good. 译文:住在加利福尼亚的丽人都感触这儿气候诱人。
1六、四、【决断题】原文:We're not going to let him bring shame on our corporation.译文:禁绝他给咱们公司脸上抹黑。
1七、五、【决断题】原文:The message might be carried by word of mouth or it might be translated into signs cut on a stick or knots on a string according to a prearranged scheme or code.译文:动态可以经由进程口头通报,也可以依照事前商定好的方案或密码,将动态变换为刻在小木棍上的符号或系在绳上的绳结。
1九、一、【决断题】原文:London is a city invaded by tourists.译文:伦敦是一个受旅行者侵略的都会。
20、二、【决断题】原文:That so-called sale is a scheme to swindle the consumer.译文:所谓的大贱卖只是个敲诈花费者的圈套。
2一、三、【决断题】原文:The manager was fired for inciting his colleagues to leak the classified documents to other companies.译文:阿谁司理因煽动勉励火伴将隐秘文件泄露给其他公司而中枪了。
2二、四、【决断题】原文:As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employees.译文:他是个尖刻的老板,恳求部下的人对他赤胆忠心,尽心极力。
2三、五、【决断题】原文:She is clever and always gets what she wants by playing office politics.译文:她聪明聪明,总能靠耍手腕抵达她的方针。
2五、一、【决断题】原文:Rockets have found wide application for the exploration of the universe. 译文:火箭已广泛用于探究世界。
2六、二、【决断题】原文:The sight of these pictures reminded him of the good old days spent on the campus.译文:一看到这些相片他就想起在学校里渡过的夸姣韶光。
2七、三、【决断题】原文:Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear. 译文:这些材料的特征是:绝缘性好。
28、四、【决断题】原文:The image must be dimensionally correct.译文:该图在标准上正确无误。
2九、五、【决断题】原文:I am a perfect stranger to physics.译文:抵挡物理,我是个完全目生的人。
3一、一、【决断题】原文:我国乐成地爆破了第一颗原枪弹在全球引发了巨大的反应。 译文:China’s successful exploration of its first bomb caused tremendous response throughout the world.
3二、二、【决断题】原文:他们不管悉数坚苦、曲折,坚持战争。译文:They kept on fighting in spite of all dangers and difficulties.
3三、三、【决断题】原文:咱们合作的根柢是彼此尊敬、平等互利。译文:Our cooperation is based on mutual respect, equality and mutual interests.
3四、四、【决断题】原文:跟着战争的举办,他变成了他们受挫的意味,变成了悉数坏事的化身。译文:As the war progressed, he would symbolize their frustrations, the embodiment of all evils.
3五、五、【决断题】原文:大多数学生对教员情绪很恭顺。译文:Most students behave respectfully towards their teachers.
3七、一、【决断题】原文:I dislike women who chattered incessantly. 译文:我不喜爱成天叽叽喳喳说个不断的女人。
38、二、【决断题】原文:I have been to the stadium in which most of the activities take place.译文:我曾去过阿谁@举%3Loh8%办大大%zd6o8%都@狡计的体育馆。
3九、三、【决断题】原文:那是中国内地出书的第一份报纸。译文:That was the first newspaper that had been published in inland China.
40、四、【决断题】原文:在他部下作业的人对他怕得要死。译文:The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.
4一、五、【决断题】原文:Japan is our close neighbor separated only by a narrow strip of water.译文:日本是咱们的领国,隔着一条窄窄的水域。
4三、一、【决断题】原文:My family moved to Hangzhou, Zhejiang last June.译文:旧年6月,咱们全家搬去了杭州。
4四、二、【决断题】原文:Without saying any word, he left the lecture room this morning.译文:今日早上,他一句话也没说,分隔了课堂。
4五、三、【决断题】原文:她每天早上都从车站搭车去上班。 译文:She goes to work by bus from the station every morning.
4六、四、【决断题】原文:昨晚李莉表演的很超卓。译文:Li Li performed very well last night.
4七、五、【决断题】原文:我恬静地待在房间里。译文:I stayed quietly in my room.
4九、一、【填空题】原文:He missed the train to travel on business.译文:他____出差的那趟火车。
50、二、【填空题】原文:She always seems too busy in company.译文:他在公司彷佛老是____。
5一、三、【填空题】原文:Few men can do business with Australian clients successfully. 译文:____可以或许和澳大利亚的客户谈成生意。
5二、四、【填空题】原文:这批货品延期了,真使人绝望。译文:To my ____, this shipment was postponed.
5三、五、【填空题】原文:许多人认为告退其实是很丢体面的。译文:Many people agreed that resignation is in effect ____.
5五、一、【决断题】原文:There is no rule but has exceptions.译文:一般规则总有破例。
5六、二、【决断题】原文:All the articles are untouchable in the exhibition room.译文:展厅内悉数文章都不克不及碰。
5七、三、【决断题】原文:She couldn't have explained contract more clearly.译文:她把它们的纠葛诠释得更清楚了。
58、四、【决断题】原文:在收条还没有签字之前不得付款。译文:Before the receipt has been signed, the money must not be paid.
5九、五、【决断题】原文:不领会这一点,就不克不及做成这笔生意。译文: We don't grasp this point and do this business.
6一、一、【填空题】原文:For mistakes had been made, bad ones.译文:因为已犯了许多缺陷,____很糟的缺陷。
6二、二、【填空题】原文:Most of the problems have been settled satisfactorily.译文:大大都疑问______被满足地处置了。
6三、三、【填空题】原文:Many people being absent, the meeting had to put off.译文:____这么多人缺席,集会就只好延期举办。
6四、四、【填空题】原文:触及的金额虽小,但这是原则疑问。译文:The amount ______ is small, but it is a matter of principle.
6五、五、【填空题】原文:他们是电器产品的重要出口商。译文:They are ____exports of electric goods.
6七、一、【决断题】原文:If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 译文:冬天来了,春季在前面吗?
68、二、【决断题】原文:We are a state-owned corporation handling textiles products.译文:咱们是处置纺织产品的公营公司。
6九、三、【决断题】原文Smoking is not allowed in the store-horse.译文:仓库重地,不许抽烟。
70、四、【决断题】原文:咱们领会了许多关于你们的配备的环境。译文:We learned a lot about your facilities.
7一、五、【决断题】原文:你往日诰日要和他们的账务主管碰头,商谈一些细节疑问。译文:You will meet with their finance director to discuss some detail problems.
A、a new international economic order
B、an international economic new order
C、a new economic international order
7四、二、【单选题】We’ve settled the questions of price, quality and quantity.
7五、三、【单选题】Smoking is not allowed in the warehouse.
A、It looks beautiful, small and light.
B、It is beautiful, small and light in appearance.
C、It is attractive in appearance, small in size and light in weight.
7七、五、【单选题】When using iPod or charging the battery, it is normal for iPod to get warm.
A、I wish to thank you, for you have cooperated with us well.
B、Thank you for your kind cooperation.
C、Thank you for cooperation.
7九、七、【决断题】Free maintenance is provided for the duration of your warranty. 译文:在保修期内供给免费修补。
80、8、【决断题】很意外,所需货品因为需要太多无法供给。 译文:Unfortunately the goods you ordered can not be supplied due to heavy co小妹itments.
8一、九、【决断题】She is clever and always gets what she wants by playing office politics. 译文:她聪明聪明,总能靠耍手腕抵达方针。
8二、十、【决断题】卖方须在6月15日前将货品交给买方。 译文:The seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer by June 15.
8四、一、【决断题】Our great motherland has never before been so prosperous as it today. 译文:咱们巨大的故国历来没有像今日多么富贵昌盛。
8五、二、【决断题】It is not my opinion that he is the best man for the job. 译文:我不认为他是做这项作业的最佳人选。
8六、三、【决断题】The businessman is never to be entirely trusted. 译文:不成以完全信赖商人。
8七、四、【决断题】我不是两本书都要。 译文:I want not both the books.
88、五、【决断题】科学家们认为, 计较机不成能在一切领域中都替代人。 译文: Scientists do not believe that computers can replace man in every field.
90、一、【填空题】原文:Instead of equal shipments in September and October, we’d like to have 70% for the first shipment and 30% for the second.译文:咱们想在玄月份______70%的货品,10月份再装运30%, 而______每个月都装运50%。
9一、二、【填空题】原文:Quality is something we never neglect. 译文:咱们一贯______产品质量。
9二、三、【填空题】原文:Painting is the most co小妹on way to protect metals from corrosion.译文:涂漆是使金属____________的最通用法子。
9三、四、【填空题】原文:他春秋过小,赐顾帮衬不了他本身。译文:He's too young ____________ of himself.
9四、五、【填空题】原文:没有磨难,就没有成功。译文:There is no success ______ hardships .
9六、一、【填空题】原文:It is hoped that you would seriously take this matter into consideration and let us have your reply soon.译文:_______你方可以或许的确斟酌此事,并从速答复咱们。
9七、二、【填空题】原文:We very much regret to state that our end users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level. 译文:我方_________ 告诉贵方,我方终极客户认为你方_______ ,违背了现行商场程度。
98、三、【填空题】原文:It doesn’t alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay.译文:推迟应由他卖力,这个究竟是 ________的。
9九、四、【填空题】原文:任何一种疗法的关头不在于你贯穿到@甚%43pCh%么或评%925hV%论%925hV%辩%925hV%论@了甚么,而在于你做了甚么。译文:The most important part of any therapy is not __________ or what you talk about, but what you do.
100、五、【填空题】原文:咱们很愉快自我介绍,期望有机缘再你的运营拓宽中与您合作。译文:We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the _____ that we have _______ with you in your ____ .
10一、一、【填空题】原文:At the end of last century, an important discovery was make that everythiing was built partly of electrons.译文:上世纪末有______, 即悉数东西都有一部分是由电子构成的。
10二、二、【填空题】原文:You presumption that I would want to share a computer with you is false.译文:你 _____我会和你共用一台电脑,那就错了。
10三、三、【填空题】原文:That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand.译文:这就是为甚么热能使冰熔化,使水蒸腾,使________的缘由。
10四、四、【填空题】原文:太阳从东方升起西方落下,这是广泛常识。译文:It is _________that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
10五、五、【填空题】原文:物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一个大师共有经历。译文:It is a _______of co小妹on experience that bodies are______in water than they are in air.
10七、一、【填空题】原文:He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet.译文:没有 _____的人,不晓得甚么是甜。
108、二、【填空题】原文:He who flatters one to the face will surely speak ill of one behind one’s back. 译文: _____阿谀的人,_______必诬蔑。
10九、三、【填空题】原文:汽油是一种燃料,其油气很简略爆破。 译文:Gasoline is a fuel ________vapor is readily explosive.
1十、四、【填空题】原文:穿山而建的铁路地道长达数英里。译文:Railroad tunnels which are miles long built through mountains.
1十一、五、【填空题】原文:今朝正在发生的一些事端,使他们感触期望苍茫,将来昏暗。译文:There are events_______at this time _______ dim their hopes and lessen the prospects.
11三、一、【决断题】原文:We shall discuss the problem fully before we make the decision.. 译文:咱们在充分谈判早年要抉择这个疑问。
11四、二、【决断题】原文:Certainly you can pass the test, but only if you study very hard.译文:你必定能经由进程查验,但条件是你进修很是喫苦。
11五、三、【决断题】原文:No matter what happens, he will go on with an indomitable will without turning back. 译文:不管发生甚么事,他都将一无反顾, 一往无前。
11六、四、【决断题】原文:只需忠厚于究竟,才干忠厚于真理。译文:Only if we are loyal to the truth, can we be true to facts
11七、五、【决断题】原文:只需咱们极力作业,就可以完成人生方针。译文:We can realize the goal of our life, if only we work hard.
11九、一、【决断题】原文:Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.译文:即便咱们关掉床头灯睡觉,电仍然在为咱们作业,如建议电冰箱,把水加热,或让室内空调连续开着。
120、二、【决断题】原文:It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.译文:曾领会了英语的根基规划和句型,英语彷佛愈来愈难学了,教员们可以比学生更易了解此中的缘由。
12一、三、【决断题】原文:Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.译文:西方国度许多人常常情愿捐躯较高的薪水来交流变成白领工人的荣誉,这是他们的赋性。
12二、四、【决断题】原文:In reality, the lines of division between sciences are becoming blurred, and science is again approaching the “unity” that it had two centuries ago---although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now, and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction of it.译文:当然人类堆集的常识愈来愈多,但没有人可以或许晓得太多。实际上,学科之间的鸿沟变得愈来愈模胡,又再一次接近两百年前的“同一体”了。
12三、五、【决断题】原文:Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs.译文:人类已将本身与动物区别隔来,多么做是为了保证本身的保存,人类有调查和领会邻近情况的才能,所以要末适应情况,要末控制情况使之知足本身的需要。
12四、一、【填空题】原文:Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. 译文文系好平安带可以或许解救人命,它能将丧生和重伤的几率削减______以上。
12五、二、【填空题】原文: But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.译文 :可是司机有责任保证14岁如下的孩子不要坐在前排,______他们系好了平安带。_
12六、三、【填空题】原文:However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it.译文:当然,如果有如下环境你可以不系平安带:你在______时,或你用一种特别交通东西举办本地的货品运送、搜集时,或你有合理的医学证明你不克不及系平安带时。
12七、四、【填空题】原文:Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it.译文:注重你如果不这么做(系平安带)的话,你有可以被告上法庭,而且你有可以被处以_______,除非你能证明你有不带平安带的来由.
128、五、【填空题】原文:Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of ageing could he slowed down. 。译文:Taiju Matsuzawa教授想找出为甚么日本北部的健康农民在相关于年青的春秋就显得起头失利思虑与_______的才能的缘由和怎么才干推迟老化进程。
130、一、【决断题】原文:Modern scientific and technical books, especially textbooks, requires revision at short intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas, observations and discoveries.译文:现代科学技能册本,特别是教科书,如果作者想跟上新思惟、新调查和新创造的步骤,就必要每隔一段时分就要举办修订。
13一、二、【决断题】原文:On this winter’s afternoon a child was standing there, her forehead against the glass, earnest and enormous eyes studying each treasure as if she were looking for something quite special.译文:在这个冬天的下战书,一个女孩站在那儿,脑门贴在玻璃上,火燎的大双眼审理着每个珠宝,似乎在寻找甚么特此外东西。
13二、三、【决断题】原文:Once you have learned the basics of the English language, you may think that’s all there is to it, but most Americans speak yet another language.译文:一旦你领会了根柢英语,可以会认为这就是全数,但大大都美国人却讲的是另外一种说话。
13三、四、【决断题】原文:招引外资是我国更始翻开根基国策的首要构成部分。20多年来,跟着更始开放逐步深化,我国操作外资的规模和质量不竭拓宽和前进。译文:Indirect investment absorption constitutes an important component of China’s basic state policy of reform and opening up. As the reform and opening up going into depth over the past two decades and more, China has been constantly improving its foreign investment utilization in terms of scale and quality.
13四、五、【决断题】原文:参加世贸组织,是我国社会主义商场经济生长的恳求,也习气了世界经济生长的客观趋向,必定为世界列国和地域同我国打开经济商业合作供给史无前例的机缘。译文:Joining the WTO is a requirement of China’s development of its socialist market economy, which also complies with the objective trend of the world economic progress, and it will bring about unpreceente opportunities to the economic and trae cooperation between China and other countries and regions in the world.
13五、一、【决断题】原文:孩子是上天送给成人的天使;宠物是成人送给孩子的天使。译文:For the adults, kids are the angels sent by God. For the kids, pets are the angels given by the adults.
13六、二、【决断题】原文:他不是一个说鬼话的人。他彷佛完全糊口在一小我的世界里。 我记住,在他和咱们同事的那段日子里,咱们中没有人能得当地晓得他是谁, 来自何方,或在寻求甚么;今后他便散失了。译文:He wasn’t guy of big words, and he seemed to live entirely in his own world. I remember that during the days he worked with us none of us exactly knew he was, where he came from or what he was looking for, and afterwards he disppeared.
13七、三、【决断题】原文:自头一次见到他起,他便老是呈如今我的邻近。每次他向我投以浅笑时,他一起也将一丝丝的温弛缓友谊送入我的心房。我想每天竣事时,必定是他给了我不管若何也要持续下去的力量。译文:Since I first saw him, he had always been around, and every time he gave me one of those smiles, he would spread a bit of warmth into my heart, a bit of friendliness. I guess, at the end of the day it must have been him who gave me the strength to go on somehow, just by being here.
138、四、【决断题】原文:He died only a year after he started working with us. It was a car accident and he didn’t have to suffer very long. His mother told me that he had lost his family just the year before and after that he didn’t speak any more. He hadn’t said a single word.译文:他与咱们同事一年后便归西了。那是一次没有让他吃苦痛的事端夺走了他的生命。他母亲奉告我说,就在一年?Ю思彝?从此便没有启齿说过话,再也没有说过一个字。
13九、五、【决断题】原文:He gave me so much and I knew so little about him. I felt very guilty in those days. But after that I started to care for the people around me. I think I started to live.译文:他给以我如斯之多,而我对他的领会却如斯之少。那段日子里,我感触很惭愧。可是从此往后,我起头将关怀投向邻近的人,我起头了复生。
14一、一、【单选题】I do not wholly agree with you.
14二、二、【单选题】He is far from being honest.
14三、三、【单选题】This is the last place where I expected to meet you.
A、I’m thinking how do you live on your small income.
B、How you manage on your small income is puzzle to me.
C、I’m puzzled how could you live with the little salary.
A、Since the products sold in our market, the prices should be set by us.
B、Since the products will be sold in our country, the prices should be regulated by us.
C、Because the products sold in our market, we should set the price.
14六、六、【决断题】She is more diligent than intelligent. 译文:与其说她聪明倒不如说她吃苦。
14七、七、【决断题】I don’t think you should miss this opportunity to update your equipment. 译文:我不认为你应当错失这个更新配备的机缘。
148、8、【决断题】He insisted on buying another house, which he had no use for. 译文:他坚持再买一幢屋子却用不上。
14九、九、【决断题】Credit cards are instruments issued by banks to customers to enable them to acquire goods, services or currency on credit. 译文:诺言卡是银行为使客户能以赊账的办法采办产品、得到就事和获取货泉而刊行的一种东西。
150、十、【决断题】We have no information whether you will deliver the goods in time. 译文: 我方想晓得贵方可否实时交货。
15二、一、【决断题】原文:white sale 译文:原价贩卖
15三、二、【决断题】原文:true blue 译文:纯蓝色
15四、三、【决断题】原文:in the green tree 译文:最佳情况
15五、四、【决断题】原文:white market译文:减价贩卖
15六、五、【决断题】原文:red envelop。译文:红包
158、一、【决断题】原文:The accountant was showed the red card for defrauding the company. 译文:这位会计因诈骗公司而被罚款了。
15九、二、【决断题】原文:China was a black figure nation last year. 译文:我国旧年是世界出入顺差国。
160、三、【决断题】原文:Her eyes became pink.译文:她眼圈红了。
16一、四、【决断题】原文:近墨者黑近墨者黑。译文:There is wool so white but a dyer can make it black.
16二、五、【决断题】原文:院子里黑乎乎的挤满了人。译文:The yard was black with a dense crowd.
16四、一、【填空题】原文:活到老,学到老.译文:One is never_____learn.
16五、二、【填空题】原文:兔子不吃窝边草。 译文:The fox preys _______ from his hole.
16六、三、【填空题】原文:Pour oil _____ troubled waters.译文:火上加油
16七、四、【填空题】原文:The Cupid’s arrow.译文:________之箭
168、五、【填空题】原文:自助者天佑 译文:God helps _____ ______ help themselves.
170、一、【填空题】原文Seeing is believing译文:目睹为____
17一、二、【填空题】原文:He that has a great nose thinks everybody is_____ it. 译文: 贼胆心虚
17二、三、【填空题】原文:It is ill to waken _______ dogs.译文: 别惹事
17三、四、【填空题】原文:You will ____ the bridge when you ______ it.译文:传到桥头天然直。
17四、五、【填空题】原文:Out of sight, _______mind.译文:眼不见,心不烦
17六、一、【填空题】原文:_____-line 译文:硬线,坚强线路
17七、二、【填空题】原文:公斤 译文: ________
178、三、【填空题】原文:虚拟的 译文: ______
17九、四、【填空题】原文:_______ walk译文:太空安步
180、五、【填空题】原文:_______ list.译文:黑名单
18二、一、【决断题】原文:big think 译文:好点子
18三、二、【决断题】原文:mercy killing. 译文:安乐死
18四、三、【决断题】原文:smuggled goods.译文:赝品
18五、四、【决断题】原文:傍晚恋。译文:love in the twilight of life
18六、五、【决断题】原文:visual pollution 译文:可见的污染
188、一、【单选题】top dog
18九、二、【单选题】throw cold water
A、a red army
B、a bloody army
C、a revolutionary army
A、green water
B、black water
C、polluted water
A、completing creation
B、killing livestock
C、tread on the lawn
19三、六、【单选题】sharp power
19四、七、【决断题】all at sea 译文:悉数都在海上
19五、8、【决断题】During the dog days, he wanted to buy an air-conditioner. 译文:过得像狗相同的日子,他想买台空调。
19六、九、【决断题】心肝宝物 译文:the apple of one’s eyes
19七、十、【决断题】Man proposes, God disposes. 译文:找事在人,成事在天。
19九、一、【决断题】标题:决断标点是不是使用精确。 Mr.Jones was very fond of climbing mountains,so one year he went to Switzerland for his holidays.After he had climbed some essy mountains he decided one day to climb a more difficult one ,but he didn't want to go it up alone ,so he found a good Swiss guide ,who had often climbed that mountain.At first it was not a difficult climb,but then they came to a place which was not so easy .The guide stopped 、turned round and warned Mr.Jones.Be careful here ,he said .This is a danger place.You can easily fall,and if you do ,you will fall straight down a very long way .But, he continued calmly ,if you do fall here ,don't forget to look to the right while you are going down.There is a quite extraordinarily beautiful view-much more beautiful than the one you can see from here .
20一、一、【决断题】原文:Since the 1990's, climate problems have become a global concern as a topic on the world political agenda. Climate negotiations in the past 20 years have ended in a complicated situation of political game on climate. Under such circumstances, China should respond with the following strategic choices: 1. taking the initiative in our own hands and sticking to low-carbon emission development; 2. making active responses and striving for a bigger say; and 3. taking an extensive participation, and trying to reform the game rule. 译文:自1990年以来,气候疑问日渐被世人关注并演化成为一个全世界政治议题。20年的气候谈判展示出气候政治博弈的冗杂场合局势。在多么的布景下,我国应当成出以下策略选择加以应对:一是掌控主动,坚持低碳生长;二是积极应对,攫取言语优势;三是广泛介入,改造游戏规则。
20三、一、【单选题】If either party wants to renew the contract, it should submit a written notice to the other party three months prior to the expiration of the contract.
20四、二、【单选题】There is no sign that world economic crisis will lessen in the next few months, although a certain degree of recovery is in sight.
20五、三、【单选题】Most of the issues concerning personnel management have been solved satisfactorily; only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.
20六、四、【单选题】Not only does asking questions at a meeting involve you in discussions, it is also a good way to demonstrate your professional knowledge.
20七、五、【单选题】The purchaser will not be responsible in connection with the packing or delivery of the above goods.
208、六、【决断题】我没有抉择要参加哪一方,如今我还在张望形式。 译文:I haven’t decided which party to join; now I am still sitting on the wall.
20九、七、【决断题】为了寻求乐成,不少人都变成完作业狂,却轻忽了家族。 译文:To achieve success, many people become workaholics, but ignore their family.
2十、8、【决断题】我还不想公开那些会引发争论的概念,宁肯暂时随大溜。 译文: Not wanting to make my controversial views known yet, I preferred to follow the persons for a while.
2十一、九、【决断题】他在这次损害出资中投入了许多的资金。 译文:He sank vast amounts of capital in the venture.
21二、十、【决断题】在炎天,海南是旅行的冷季。 译文:Su小妹er is the slack season for Hainan’s tourism.
21四、一、【决断题】原文:Today, technology has make us all virtual neighbors. 译文:今日,科技使咱们一切国度实际上变成邻邦。
21五、二、【决断题】原文:First of all, please allow me, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests. 译文:首先,请容许我代表在坐的,向咱们的嘉宾暗示激烈热烈的招待和真诚的问好。
21六、三、【决断题】原文:I am convinced that china's reform, open up and stability will provide the business co小妹unity of asian and european coutries with tremendous investment and trade opportunities.译文:咱们信赖亚欧国度的商界会给我国的更始翻开和不乱带来可观的出资和商业良机。
21七、四、【决断题】原文:咱们将坚持“平缓同一”和“一国两制”的基来历根基则。译文:We shall adhere to the principles of basic peaceful reunification and one country, two systems principle.
218、五、【决断题】原文:你一开电视准会看到一个女人在做某扮装品表白。译文:You couldn't turn on televison without seeing a woman advertising for some cosmetics.
220、一、【填空题】原文:听音频填空。译文:Neurologist Dr. Daniel Barone says that daily mindfulness meditation is the key to a good night's ______. He says that incorporating 15 minutes of meditation into your _______ routine is all it takes. To start, Barone suggests finding a dark, quiet room where you can sit and focus on your breath. He sets an alarm on his phone for 11 to 15 minutes and then he closes his eyes and starts focusing his attention on his breath, imagining moving _______ into his nose and out through his mouth.
22二、一、【决断题】原文:我国的对外方针是一贯的。归纳归纳起来三句话:第一是不是决霸权主义;第二是维护世界平缓;第三是增强同第三世界国度的连合与合作。中:外策 一贯// sum up 三句: 1).反霸 2).维W. P . 3). 3rd W 团&合 //
22三、二、【决断题】原文:位于欧洲西部的荷兰王国,国度不大,面积4.14万平方公里,人丁1500万,全境地势低洼,素称“低地之国”。位 欧 W 荷 : 错大 面:4.14 人:1500 地低 “低地 ” //
22四、三、【决断题】原文:After the accession to the WTO, China’s reform and opening up will enter a new era. Joining the WTO is the requirement of our reform and opening up which is the fundamental interest of China. 入 WTO 中’ 改/开 new era// 加 WTO 改/开’ req. 对 中利//
22五、四、【决断题】原文:On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. 对US 客 TKS your 好心: ∵中闻 世 //
22六、五、【决断题】原文:The 2000 business leaders, politicians, academics and pundits offered their respective viewpoints on the issue. 2000 企 政 表 概念 学 权//
228、一、【填空题】原文:听音频填空。译文:Prince George is just as _______ for Christmas as any other kid. His dad, Prince William, presented his son's gift list to Santa Claus during a royal ______ to Finland. Cameras captured the adorable moment (though the little prince wasn't there) ... and a close-up of the list shows the one thing George wants for Christmas ... a _______ car! The hand-written note included a message that he had been nice, not naughty this past year and even signed it with his own name.
230、一、【填空题】原文:Expanding our co-operation in science and technology can be one of our greatest gifts to the future.译文:拓宽咱们在科技______的合作可以变成咱们送给将来的最大一份_____。
23一、二、【填空题】原文:It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open.译文:创业简略______。
23二、三、【填空题】原文:Applicants who had worked at a job for five or more years would be given certain preference over those who had not.译文:作业五年或_____的请求者将给以必定_____。
23三、四、【填空题】首先,请容许我代表在坐的,向咱们的嘉宾暗示激烈热烈的招待和真挚的问好。译文:First of all, please ______ me, on behalf of all present here, to extend out warm _______ and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests.
23四、五、【决断题】原文:任何国度要和生平存就必需遵循这些原则。译文:We cannot reach our strategic goal if we carry out reform and adhere to the open policy.
A、The collaboration between Information Technology, Science, Engineering, Mathematics and any other discipline that supports the development of skills is vital to our future.
B、The collaboration between Information Technology, Science, Engineering, Management and any other discipline that supports the development of skills is vital to our future.
C、The collaboration between Information Technology, Science, Engineering, Management and any other discipline that supports the development of skills isn’t vital to our future.
A、The Internet supplements the traditional tools people use to gather information and co小妹unicate with each other. No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.
B、The Internet is the traditional tools people use to gather information and co小妹unicate with each other. No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.
C、The Internet develops the traditional tools people use to gather information and co小妹unicate with each other. No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.
A、Obviously, besides the convenience it offers, e-co小妹erce also has many other advantages.
B、Obviously, it offers the convenience, e-co小妹erce has many other advantages.
C、Obviously, e-co小妹erce is cheap and also has many other advantages.
24三、8、【决断题】译文:Those who travel to Hainan are usually so fascinated by this charming island that they even feel reluctant to leave this “paradise on earth”.
24四、九、【决断题】译文:Since the Reform and Opening-up, Chinese high schools have made great changes.
24七、一、【填空题】原文:听音频口译 译文:__________(请用阿拉伯数字写出谜底)
248、二、【填空题】原文:听音频口译 译文:__________(请用阿拉伯数字写成谜底)
24九、三、【填空题】原文:听音频口译 译文:__________(请用阿拉伯数字写成谜底)
250、四、【填空题】原文:听音频口译 译文:__________(请用阿拉伯数字写出谜底)
25一、五、【填空题】原文:听音频口译 译文:__________(请用阿拉伯数字写出谜底)
25二、六、【填空题】原文:听音频口译 译文:__________(请用阿拉伯数字写出谜底)
25三、七、【填空题】原文:听音频口译 译文:__________(请用阿拉伯数字写出谜底)
25五、一、【决断题】原文:听音频翻译. 译文:The annual added value of industry is RMB 6.2815 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.5% over last year.
25六、二、【决断题】原文:听音频翻译. 译文:The annual output of grain is 469,470 tons, 38,707,000 tons more than last year, and an increase of 9.1%.
25七、三、【决断题】原文:听音频翻译. 译文:The annual total volume of import and export is USD 1.1548 trillion, an increase of 35.7% over last year.
258、四、【决断题】原文:听音频翻译. 译文:The annual volume of contracted foreign capital is USD 150.5 billion, an increase of 33%; and actually utilized foreign capital is USD 60.6 billion, an increase of 13.3.
25九、五、【决断题】原文:听音频翻译. 译文:The annual number of inbound tourists is 109,040,000, and the income from foreign currency is USD 25.7 billion, an increase of 47.9%.
26一、一、【决断题】四分之三 译文:three quarter
26二、二、【决断题】7.005 译文:seven point zero zero five
26三、三、【决断题】快8点 译文:nearly eight o’clock
26四、四、【决断题】200多美元 译文:two hundred dollars more
26五、五、【决断题】华氏40度以上 译文:above forty degrees Fahrenheit
26七、一、【决断题】原文:Constant dripping wears the stone. 译文:滴水石穿
268、二、【决断题】Many a little makes a mickle.译文:无可救药
26九、三、【决断题】What is said cannot be unsaid. 译文:面貌一新
270、四、【决断题】原文:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。译文:There’ll never be a shortage of firewood as long as green hills remain; While there is life , there is hope.
27一、五、【决断题】原文:国内存良知,海角若比邻。译文:A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near; Long distance separates no bosom friends.
27三、一、【决断题】原文:As you sow, so will you reap.译文:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
27四、二、【决断题】原文:Where there is a will, there is a way.译文:有志者事竟成。
27五、三、【决断题】原文:Don’t wash your dirty linen in public.译文:贼胆心虚。
27六、四、【决断题】原文:十五个吊桶吊水---忐忑不定。译文:in a turmoil; to be extremely upset
27七、五、【决断题】原文:少壮不极力,老迈徒伤悲。译文:If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
A、Asia is four times as large as Europe.
B、Asia is three times larger than Europe.
C、Asia is three times the size of Europe.
A、By 2020, per capita labor productivity will have risen from 0.87 million yuan to over 1.2 million yuan.
B、By 2020, per capita labor productivity will increase from 87,000 yuan to over 120,000 yuan.
C、By 2020, per capita labor productivity will have risen from 87,000 yuan to over 120,000 yuan.
A、China's mid-income class has reached 300 million, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.
B、China's mid-income class has reached 3 billion, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.
C、China's mid-income class amounted to 30 million, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.
A、China's intelligent logistics market will exceed 1 billion yuan by 2025.
B、China's intelligent logistics market size will exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2025.
C、China's intelligent logistics market will exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2025.
A、How many times do you visit China?
B、How long have you been in China?
C、Is this your first visit to China?
28四、六、【决断题】by ones and twos 译文:三三两两
28五、七、【决断题】20.67% 译文:twenty point sixty seven percent
28六、8、【决断题】6.4 million 译文:6400万
28七、九、【决断题】12/47 译文:twelve over forty-seven
288、十、【决断题】说一不二 译文:A bargain is a bargain.
290、一、【填空题】原文:Chinese co小妹unities enjoy a worldwide reputation as the “kingdom of cuisine”. The exquisite Chinese culinary art, regarded indisputably as one of the world’s finest culinary traditions, has prevailed all over the world. Since China has a vast territory, and the products, climate and living habits are quite different in each place, the flavor of food is quite different: southerners like light food, northerners prefer a heavily seasoned taste, Sichuan people like hot food, Shanxi people like sour food and so on.译文:我国享有“_________”之美誉,精巧的_________盛行全世界。我国菜不单花腔多,而且具有色、香、味、形俱佳的特征。因为我国区域________,各地的物资、气候和糊口习气不合,因这我们的口胃也各不不异:南边人员胃________,北方人员胃较重,四川人喜爱吃辣,山西人__________。
29二、一、【填空题】原文:皮影片(shadow play)也叫灯影片(light shadow play),是我国最陈旧的戏曲之一。演员们陪同音乐歌颂,一起控制皮影。这些戏的内容以传统汗青剧和寓言故事占大都。皮影片交融了戏曲、音乐和绘画的一些特征,是文学写作、工匠雕镂和绘画和民间歌颂的交融体。它令人酣畅、内容丰盛、老少皆宜,且具有丰盛的文明内在和艺术源泉。古时辰,皮影片像现代片子和电视相同带给我们快活。现代社会很难再会到这个奇妙的剧种。皮影片世界文明和艺术界的瑰宝。译文:Shadow play, also called light shadow play, is one of __________ in China. Actors sing along _______ music, and control shadow tools at the same time. The contents of those plays are more about ____________ and fable stories. Shadow play ________ some characters of drama, music and paintings, and is an ________ of literary writing, handicraftsmen's carving and painting, and folk singing. It's delightful, abundant, suiting both refined and popular tastes, and contains __________ and__________ . In ancient times, it brought people pleasure as modem movies and TVs do. In modern society, it's very difficult to find the _____________ again. Shadow play is __________ in the world ____________ .
29四、一、【填空题】原文:May I know the main items you export?译文:问你们重要的_________是甚么?
29五、二、【填空题】原文:Could you show me your catalogs or pamphlets?译文:给我看看你们的______好吗?
29六、三、【填空题】原文:Our products have been sold a number of areas abroad. They’re very popular with the users there.译文:咱们的产品_____海外许多地域,很受那儿用户的_______。
29七、四、【填空题】原文:为甚么不先订购一笔尝尝,测探一下商场的潜力?译文:Why not place__________ to sound out ___________?
298、五、【填空题】原文:咱们才着手策划这一行当,生怕眼下做不了许多。译文:We’re just __________, I’m afraid we can’t do much right now.
300、一、【填空题】原文:Could you make offers for the items listed in your catalog? 译文:目次中所列的______你们能报价吗?
30一、二、【填空题】So far as we know, the market is quite firm. And it’s bound to advance with the coming of the season. 译文:据咱们所知, 商场很_____。跟着______的到来行情必定看涨。
30二、三、【填空题】原文:I must say the price is too high for me to accept----almost twice what I would pay for such an item elsewhere. 译文:我必需指明这__________,我无法接收----几近比我从别处买这类货要_________。
30三、四、【填空题】原文:这是价值单。可是这些价值因而我方最终招认为准。如果你有具体询价,咱们可以报实盘。译文:Here’s _________. But the prices are subject to ___________. If you inquire specifically, we can give you firm offers.
30四、五、【填空题】原文:如今咱们报实盘:9304号产品100吨,每公吨鹿特丹到岸价为150美元,十月初交货。 译文:minute…Now we offer you firm for 100 tons of Item 9304____________, to be delivered in Early October.
30六、一、【填空题】原文:Our T-shirts are well known for their fine quality. They’re a great favorite with young people anywhere. 译文:咱们的T恤衫以________知名.不管哪儿的年青人都_______它。
30七、二、【填空题】原文:I won’t say others’ T-shirts are not attractive. But look at ours. You can see that they’re good in material, fashionable in design and superb in workmanship. 译文:我不认为别人的T恤衫不惹人注重, 不过请看咱们的. 你可以看得出这T恤衫________、__________、技能精深。
308、三、【填空题】原文:This is our quality product---a great improvement upon the old models. 译文:这是咱们的__________,在原有类型根柢上作了很大改进。
30九、四、【填空题】原文:228号产品用的是相同的材料,而在图像方案和颜色光彩上有所改进。 和你所要的货很类似。 译文:No. 228 is of ________, but improved in design and tint very similar to what you want.
3十、五、【填空题】原文:你晓得,咱们的用户喜爱这料子,可是对这颜色和图像方案不感快乐喜爱。 译文:You see, our users like the material, but they do not care for ________.
31二、一、【填空题】原文:I’m delighted to convey to all the guests here and the Chinese people warm greetings and sincere wishes of the government and people of my country.译文:我很愉快向_________和我国公民传达我国当局和公民的________和_________。
31三、二、【填空题】原文:In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast: to the trade and friendship between us, to the health of Mr Gao, to the health of our Chinese friends, and to the health of my colleagues! Cheers!译文:_______,请列位和我一块儿碰杯,为咱们之间的商业和友谊,___________,为我国朋友们的健康,为我火伴们的健康,干杯!
31四、三、【填空题】原文:I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Mr. Mayor and all our Chinese friends present here tonight good health. 译文:我要________, 祝市长师长教师和咱们一切今晚在场的我国朋友,_________。
31五、四、【填空题】原文:招待参观开罗世界集会中心。该集会中心是我国当局赠予给埃及当局的礼物,是中埃两国公民友善的意味。译文:Welcome to _______. The conference center is a gift to the Egyptian government from the government of China. It is a symbol of friendship between ______________.
31六、五、【填空题】原文:值其间秋月明的良夜,咱们集会一堂,共庆这一中传统佳节。译文: On this moon night of the Mid-Autumn day, we _____ here together to celebrate the traditional Chinese festival.
318、一、【填空题】原文:China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international co小妹unity’s support for and in confidence in its reform and opening-up.译文:我国乐成申办 2010 年世博会归功于世界社会对_________的支撑与信赖。
31九、二、【填空题】Expo 2010 Shanghai China events include cultural and recreational activities of various kinds in the public activity spaces inside and outside the Expo Site before and during Expo 2010. 译文:2010年________会前及预会年代,世博会场馆表里的群众狡计区域将打开各类各样的__________。
320、三、【填空题】原文:上海世博会现场的文娱和扮演狡计将重要在演艺中心、群众狡计中心、世博广场和主题广场举办。译文:________ during Shanghai Expo are mainly held in Expo Performance Center, Public Activity Center, Expo Center and Theme Pavilion.
32一、四、【填空题】原文:1933年美国芝加哥世博会树立“一个世纪的行进”的主题。此后历届世博会均有主题。2010年我国上海世博会的主题是“都会,让糊口更夸姣”。译文:Expo 1933 Chicago America established its theme as “_________”, after which each Expo had a theme. The theme of Expo Shanghai China is “__________” .
32二、五、【决断题】原文:Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution.译文: 2010年我国上海世博会是一次谈判21世纪都会糊口和都会行进的嘉会。
32四、一、【填空题】According to Reuters, Alibaba Group Holding _______Jack Ma is retiring from the _________ company on Monday. However, he will remain on as executive chairman. A company spokesman said that Ma will unveil a succession strategy on Monday on his _______ birthday. The spokesman said that Ma will provide ________ plans over a significant period of time. Adding that the succession strategy is part of a management plan ten years in the making.
32五、二、【填空题】According to Auto News, Uber is set to ______ developing self-driving trucks that have been hauling cargo on U.S. _______. Uber is now seeking to focus its autonomous-vehicle technology only on cars. Since its acquisition of Otto in 2016, Uber has sought to change _______hauling with self-driving trucks and Uber Freight, the smartphone _______ that connects truck drivers and shippers. Transportation experts see trucking as a natural application for self-driving technology because of the relative predictability of highways.
A、It looks beautiful, small and light.
B、It is beautiful, small and light in appearance.
C、It is attractive in appearance, small in size and light in weight.
D、It is small, light and beautiful.
A、Since the products sold in our market, the prices should be set by us.
B、Since the products will be sold in our country, the prices should be regulated by us.
C、Because the products sold in our market, we should set the price.
D、we should set the price because the products are in out market.
A、By 2020, per capita labor productivity will have risen from 0.87 million yuan to over 1.2 million yuan.
B、By 2020, per capita labor productivity will increase from 87,000 yuan to over 120,000 yuan.
C、By 2020, per capita labor productivity will have risen from 87,000 yuan to over 120,000 yuan.
D、By 2020, per capita labor productivity will be risen from 87,000 yuan to over 120,000 yuan.
A、China's mid-income class has reached 300 million, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.
B、China's mid-income class has reached 3 billion, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.
C、China's mid-income class amounted to 30 million, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.
D、China's mid-income class has amounted to 30 million, accounting for 30% of the middle-income group globally.
A、Obviously, besides the convenience it offers, e-co小妹erce also has many other advantages.
B、Obviously, it offers the convenience, e-co小妹erce has many other advantages.
C、Obviously, e-co小妹erce is cheap and also has many other advantages.
D、Obviously, e-co小妹erce is cheap except many other advantages.
33二、六、【决断题】The Internet supplements the traditional tools people use to gather information and co小妹unicate with each other. No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”. 译文:因特网是我们用以搜集信息、彼此交流之传统东西的抵偿,难怪它常常被称为“信息高速公路”。
33三、七、【决断题】Asia is four times as large as Europe. 译文:亚洲比欧洲大4倍。
33四、8、【决断题】Credit cards are instruments issued by banks to customers to enable them to acquire goods, services or currency on credit. 译文:诺言卡是银行为使客户能以赊账的办法采办产品、得到就事和获取货泉而刊行的一种东西。
33五、九、【决断题】I don’t think you should miss this opportunity to update your equipment. 译文:我不认为你应当错失这个更新配备的机缘。
33六、十、【决断题】Free maintenance is provided for the duration of your warranty. 译文:在保修期内供给免费修补。
338、一、【填空题】听汉语,并结束译文填空。 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Jinghe High-tech Park. I am Operation manager of the park. It's my great honor to give you an introduction on how to attract Foreign ___1_____ to the Park. The Park's two leading industries are ____2____ technology and modern biotechnology. The Park Administration takes strong ____3____ to improve the investment ___4______, and to make the Park one of the best investment ____5_____ in North China.
33九、二、【填空题】听英文,并结束译文填空。 填空时如遇数字请一概用阿拉伯数字填写。 居民___1____和经济效益连续前进。乡镇居民人都可组织收入实际添加___2___,屯子居民人均纯收入实际添加9.3%,屯子____3___人丁削减___4___万人,域乡居民收入间隔持续减小。规模以上工业公司___5___添加12.2%。财务收入添加10.1%。