
??13 #轻松学英语# That evening Marilla ran around to Rachel Lynda’s house. 那天晚上玛丽拉跑去了雷切尔·林德太太家里。 ‘Rachel, please help me! Anne says she won’ go back to school. “蕾切尔,帮帮我!安妮说她不想上学了。 What am I going to say to her?’ 我该怎样说服她呢?” Mrs. Lynda already knew about Anne’s trouble at school, 林德太太已传闻了安妮在黉舍里的贫穷, And she was always very pleased when people asked her to help. 她老是很愉快有人请她辅佐。 She smiled and sat back comfortably. 她浅笑着靠在惬意的椅背上。 ‘I’ve had ten children myself, so I know all about them,’ she said. “为本身有10个孩子,所以我对孩子很领会。”她说。 ‘Anne can stay at home for a while, she’ll want to go back to school again soon, I’m sure.’ “可让安妮在家里呆一阵子,很快她就想回到黉舍的,我敢必定。” So, Anne stayed at home, and only saw Diane in the evening. 多么,安妮就留在了家里,每天晚上才干见到黛安娜。 She was a child who felt very strongly. 她是个爱恨清楚的孩子。 She hated Gilbert Blythe, but she really loved Diana. 她厌烦吉尔伯特·布莱恩,可是她切当喜爱黛安娜。 One evening Marilla found Anne crying in the kitchen. 一天晚上玛丽拉创造安妮在厨房里哭。 ‘What’s the matter, child?’ she asked in surprise. “怎样了,孩子?”她惊奇地问道。 ‘I love Diana very much,’ sobbed Anne. “我很是喜爱黛安娜,”安妮抽咽着说。 ‘I can’t live with-out her, Marilla! But what will happen when she marries? “我的糊口中不克不及没有她,玛丽拉!可是当她成婚了会怎样样呢? I hate her husband already! I can imagine her in the church in her long white dree… 我已起头厌烦她的丈夫了!我可以愿望她穿戴常常的婚纱在教堂里…… And then she’ll go away! And I’ll never see her again!’ 然后她就要走了!我就再也见不到她了!” Marilla turned away to hide her smiling face. 玛丽拉转过身悄然地笑了。 What a strange, funny child Anne was! 安妮真是个独特又风趣的孩子! Marilla tried not to laugh, but she couldn’t stop herself. 玛丽拉极力不笑作声,可是仍是忍不住。 ‘You and your imagination, Anne Shirley!” she cried, and she laughed and laughed. “你和你的幻想,安妮·雪利!”她大声说,说完笑个不断。 Mrs. Lynda was right, of course. After a few days Anne decided to go back to school. 当然,林德太太说的是对的。几天后,安妮抉择回到黉舍去。 All the children were pleased to see her again, but she did not speak to Gilbert Blythe. 看到她回来一切的孩子们都很高兴,可是她仍是不睬吉尔伯特·布莱思。 未完待续~
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