不过,跟着国内疫情的超卓控制,大巨细微的“封城令”也逐步撤消。冷镇定清了数月的奶茶铺、暖锅店也逐渐地光复了旧日的火热。可是,电!影!院 !却迟迟没有解禁。
细心的同窗应当创造了,在‘release’早年还有一个单词‘theatrical’,暗示“剧场的”,所以严格意义上来讲,推迟的是‘Theatrical Release Date’院线上映日期。
在这个数字时刻,片子除常规的Theatrical Release,还有Digital Release数字版上映(以下图)。疫情年代,许多片子选择了这类在线视频平台上映办法,比如国内的《囧妈》和美国动画大片《魔发精灵2》。
那已然Theatrical Release Date遥遥无期,咱们就来连系雅思白话Part1和Part2,一块儿进修“片子”的英语表达,来一场“云观影”!
白话Part 1中的使用
1. What genres of films do you like best?
Well, I would say I’m still a kid at heart, so I really enjoy watching animation film. Although they seem simple and innocent, there are often many life lessons packed into these films. Moreover, I’m really into romance films. When I watch these, I feel that I can more deeply understand human emotions and what true love is.
Genre:/ɑnr/ n. (文学、音乐、片子等艺术作品的)文体
依照IMDB网站的分类,重要有6大Film Genre(下图)。此中Thriller和Horror比较简略让人混杂。最直接的分辩办法就是看片子中有无超天然的鬼魅。如果有鬼或外星人等元素,便可以当作是Horror Film可怕片。反之,如果是靠剧情,表演让人感触可骇,那就是Thriller Film惊悚片。
2. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie? (可以拓宽疫情辞汇)
Not too often actually. As the ticket prices in my city are quite high, I usually choose to watch a film at home, which could save my time and money. In recent days, all of the cinemas have been closed due to the outbreak of corona virus so I guess I haven’t been to cinema for about 6 months.
outbreak: /atbrek/ n. (暴动、疾病等的) 迸发
这次新式冠状病毒的疫情迸发咱们可以表达为‘the outbreak of COVID-19’。下图为Coronavirus Outbreak Map疫情迸发舆图。
Surgical Face Mask:这就是上文所说到的“身份意味”,医用口罩啦。
Infrared Thermometer:红外测温枪
3. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?
Honestly speaking, I don’t really have a preference. I do believe that what makes a film great is its cast. As long as the cast are great enough to win some film awards such as Oscar, I would like to have a try. Moreover, I usually watch films in English so it helps me to learn new slang and expressions.
Cast:/kst/ 悉数演职职工
Oscar:/'sk/ 奥斯卡金像奖
作为片子业界最负盛名的奖项,Oscar Awards真实其实不是它最正式的称号。奥斯卡奖的学名真实叫做‘The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’美国片子艺术与科学学院奖。
传说那时片子组委会中,有一名秘书在看到小金人奖杯的时辰,不由自登时喊出了声“哇,这个小金人似乎我家的Oscar叔叔啊!”,所以‘The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’就以‘Oscar’的称号享誉于世界。
白话Part 2中的使用
共享完这么多片子表达后,接着就要实际使用一下啦!这些表达必定可让你在雅思白话Part 2描绘“片子”论题时,给本身大大加分哦!
Describe a film that made you laugh a lot
You should say:
- What it was;
- When it happened;
- Who was with you;
- And explain why it made you laugh.
I’m going to talk about the best Indian film, Three Idiots. Although it first debuted years ago, I just watched it this year during the time of coronavirus outbreak(新冠疫情迸发之时).
I watched it by myself since I stayed at home all day due to the lockdown(封城). As I’m now in my late 20’s, it made me laugh a lot when I saw the main characters first entered the university. I can relate to many of the same situations and challenges that they face, especially taking exams. For example, they are all trying to pass the exams but Rancho, the leading actor(男主角), was thinking about how to make some changes on the Indian education system. When I was in the university, I thought about the similar questions such as ‘What do I really want to know?’, ‘Is there a gap between what I learned and what I need?’ and so on. To put it briefly, the film reminds me of my own university life.
I really enjoy this film because it’s quite light-hearted but packed with some thought-provoking lessons(发人深醒的事理). I guess what makes this film great is that the film makes you reconsider the true meaning of education, which is very critical for young students.