

1. 在机场接机时:
A: Hi! Are you Mr. Smith from London?
B: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you!
A: Nice to meet you too! I am your tour guide. How was your flight?
B: It was long, but comfortable. Thank you!

2. 在入住酒店时:
A: Good evening! Welcome to our hotel. How may I assist you?
B: Good evening! I have a reservation under the name of John Doe.
A: Yes, Mr. Doe. Here is your room key. It's on the 7th floor. Enjoy your stay!
B: Thank you very much!

3. 在观光景点时:
A: Look at that stunning view! What a beautiful city!
B: Yes, it's breathtaking! Could you take a picture of me, please?
A: Sure, no problem. Where would you like to have the picture taken?
B: Over there, with the mountains in the background.

4. 在购物时:
A: How much is this T-shirt?
B: It's $20.
A: Can you give me a discount?
B: I can give you a 10% discount. How about $18?
A: Deal! Here is the money. Thank you!

5. 在就餐时:
A: Excuse me, could I see the menu please?
B: Of course, here you go.
A: Thank you. What would you recommend?
B: Our signature dish is the seafood pasta. It's really delicious.
A: Sounds good. I'll have that.


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