1. Plastic surgery(整形手术)- 这是整容的专业术语。无论是隆鼻、隆胸、割双眼皮还是改变面部轮廓,我们可以使用这个词来提及整容手术。
- I have been considering getting plastic surgery to fix my nose.
- Many celebrities are rumored to have undergone plastic surgery.
2. Cosmetic procedure(美容手术)- 这是一个更加温和的表达方式,可以用来描述一些非手术性质的整容过程,比如注射肉毒杆菌、玻尿酸填充和激光除皱等。
- She had a cosmetic procedure done to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
- The clinic offers a variety of cosmetic procedures to enhance your natural beauty.
3. Enhance one's appearance(改善外貌)- 这个短语可以用来描述通过整容手术来增强一个人的外貌。
- She decided to enhance her appearance by getting botox injections.
- Many people choose to enhance their appearance through cosmetic procedures.
4. Correct a physical defect(修复身体缺陷)- 这个表达用来指整容手术的一个常见目的:修复身体上的缺陷。
- The surgery was able to correct her physical defect and greatly improve her quality of life.
- He decided to undergo plastic surgery to correct a physical defect that had bothered him for years.
5. Boost one's confidence(提高自信心)- 整容手术常常被用来改善一个人的自信心。
- After getting plastic surgery, she felt a tremendous boost in her confidence.
- The patient's confidence was significantly boosted after the cosmetic procedure.