1. can you recommend a good restaurant in this area?(你能推荐这个地区一家好的餐厅吗?)
2. i'm looking for a restaurant that serves chinese food.(我想找一家提供中餐的餐厅。)
3. what type of food do you have on the menu?(你们的菜单上有什么类型的食品?)
4. i want to try something new, can you suggest a dish?(我想尝试一些新的东西,你有什么建议的菜吗?)
5. is there a specific dish that is popular here?(这里有一道特别受欢迎的菜吗?)
1. how many people are in your party?(你们有几个人?)
2. what would you like to drink with your meal?(你们想喝什么饮料搭配这顿饭?)
3. can i see the menu again, please?(我可以再看一下菜单吗?)
4. i'll take the chicken and rice, please.(我要一份鸡肉和米饭。)
5. i'd like to order two dishes and one drink, please.(我要点两道菜和一杯饮料。)
6. can i have the steak well done, please?(请把牛排煎熟一点。)
7. i'm allergic to seafood, can you substitute the shrimp with vegetables?(我对海鲜过敏,你能用蔬菜代替虾吗?)
8. do you offer any vegetarian options?(你们有提供任何素食选项吗?)
总体来说,在线外教一对一课程在价格方面要比线下的传统课程实惠多了,我现在就正在高途英语跟着外教老师学口语,课程也是外教一对一的,差不多每天都上课,一堂课也才30元,并且可以把上课视频录制下来,下课回顾,上课时间也随时可以安排,最重要的是高途英语的外教100% 本科及以上学历、100%取得 tesol 或者 tefl 资格证书,平均5年以上的授课教学经验,效果确实不一样!
1. can i get the bill, please?(我可以要账单吗?)
2. that will be all, thank you.(就这些了,谢谢。)
3. can i have the check sent to my table, please?(我可以要求账单送到我的桌子上吗?)
4. can you charge my card now?(你现在可以刷卡付款吗?)
5. how much should i pay for the bill?(我应该付多少钱的账单?)
6. is there a tip included in the price of the meal?(这顿饭的价格里包含小费吗?)
7. can you add a discount code for me, please?(你可以为我添加一个折扣码吗?)
8. is there anything else i should know about my order?(关于我的订单,还有什么我需要注意的吗?)