i上英语 每日晨读有跟读7 23

??A Dog and a Cock 一只狗和一只公鸡 A Dog and a Cock became great friends, and agreed to travel together. 有一只狗和一只公鸡变成了很要好的朋友,他们约好要一块儿去参观。 At nightfall the Cock flew up into the branches of a tree to roost, while the Dog curled himself up inside the trunk, which was hollow. 每当暮色降临,公鸡就飞上枝头歇息,狗呢,就蜷缩在中空的树干里复苏。 At break of day the Cock woke up and crew, as usual. A Fox heard, and, wishing to make a breakfast of him, came and stood under the tree and begged him to come down. 拂晓时分,公鸡像往常相同醒来,而且起头打鸣。一只狐狸听到了,期望着能把这只鸡变成他的早饭。因而,狐狸就来到树下,恳请公鸡从树上下来。 “I should so like,” said he, “to make the acquaintance of one who has such a beautiful voice.” The Cock replied, “Would you just wake my porter who sleeps at the foot of the tree? Hell open the door and let you in.” “我如斯期望能结识一名像你相同有着秀丽嗓音的火伴”。公鸡答复道:“那你可以先把我的门卫唤醒吗?他就睡在树下,他会给你开门让你进来。” The Fox accordingly rapped on the trunk, when out rushed the Dog and tore him in pieces. 狐狸照做了,他敲了敲树干,就在这时分,那只狗遽然从内里窜出来,把他撕变成了碎片。
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