我们说英语 赏识丢失之城

??Many people like to visit lost cities. 许多人都喜爱参观掉之城。 A lost city is a city that people abandoned but did not destroy. 掉之城是被人扔掉但没有摧毁的都会。 People left most of these cities because of war or natural disasters. 大大都的这种都会都是因为@战%wJJ91%役或天%ng9L7%然@灾害而致使居民迁离。 Years later, people found these cities again and told other people about them. 多年后,有人再度创造这些都会,因而奉告其别人这些都会的存在。 The ruins of Pompeii in Italy were discovered in the 16th century. 意大利庞贝城的废墟创造于十六世纪。 Today about 2 million people visit the ruins each year. 如今,每一年约有两百万人参观那座废墟。 Two of the most famous lost cities are Angkor in Cambodia and Machu Picchu in Peru. 世界上最出名的两座掉都会是柬埔寨的吴哥与秘鲁的马丘比丘。 Machu Picchu is a very strange lost city. No one knows why it was abandoned. 马丘比丘是一座很是怪僻的掉都会。没有人晓得那座都会为甚么遭到扔掉。 Hiram Bingham found it in 1911. He brought it to the attention of the world. 海勒姆·宾厄姆在1911年创造马丘比丘,引发了世人的注重。 Angkor is an ancient city. Cambodian people have always known about it. 吴哥是一座陈旧都会。柬埔案人历来都晓得这座都会的存在。 But people in the West didn't hear about it until the 1860s. 不过,西方人直到19世纪60年月才听闻这座都会的。 Some lost cities might not be real. 有些掉之城可以不是真的存在。 Stories say that a city called El Dorado is lost in South America. 传说南美洲有一座称为黄金城的掉都会。 The city has a lot of gold in it. 这儿传闻藏有许多的黄金。 People have searched for El Dorado, but no one has ever found it. 许多人都找寻过黄金城,但历来没有人找到过。 Other stories talk about the city of Atlantis. It was a famous island city. 其他传说则说起了亚特兰提斯城,那是一座有名的海岛都会。 The stories say Atlantis sank into the ocean. No one has ever found it. 传说亚特兰提斯沉入了海底,但也没有人找到过这座都会。 回来搜狐,查看更多
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